China Reports Catastrophic Data: PMIs Crash To Record Low, Confirming Coronavirus Collapse One week ago, ahead of today's Chinese data release which would for the first time capture the devastation from the coronavirus pandemic, we wrote that "to those who have been following our series of high-frequency, daily indicators of China's economy, it will probably not come as a surprise that the world's second biggest economy … Continue reading China Reports Catastrophic Data: PMIs Crash To Record Low, Confirming Coronavirus Collapse

瘟疫肆虐 大陆菜价创4年新高 通胀压力加大

型冠状病毒肺炎(武汉肺炎)在大陆继续蔓延,民众纷纷抢购蔬菜等生活必需用品,抢购导致大陆蔬菜价格达到了近4年新高。有业界人士担忧这会加剧大陆的通货膨胀压力。 据官媒新华社消息,中国追踪每日蔬菜价格的指标“寿光蔬菜价格指数”显示,该指数最新来到195.45,升4.9%,为近4年最高水平。

挤兑潮 资金危机 央行承认中小银行高风险
